Popular messaging app Telegram is adding Stories to all users, according to a statement from the company on Monday. The feature was first launched last month exclusively for Premium users and is now becoming available to all of them. This roll-out happens today as Telegram commemorates its 10th birthday.
The key difference between Telegram's new feature and Stories on other platforms is that users can edit it if they wish to do so after posting. For example, you post a Story on Instagram, or Facebook, or Snapchat, or TikTok-you don't get an option to edit it. You have to delete it if you want to make any changes before making a new one. Telegram is going completely in the opposite direction with the introduction of Stories on Telegram.
For the first time in history, at any moment you can update any element of your story-by changing its visibility, caption, on-screen text, stickers or anything else-throughout without deleting and reposting it from scratch," Telegram added in a blog post.
The rest of Telegram's Stories experience, meanwhile, is much like those on other platforms.
You can choose options such as Stories are visible to everyone, contacts, selected contacts, or only close friends. Stories will be presented on an expandable section at the top of your chat list. You can delete stories from all contacts by moving them to the "Hidden" list inside the Contacts section instead of throwing it on the main screen.
Users can choose their story's duration before it gets deleted. For instance, you can set it to expire after six, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Or you can just keep Stories on your profile page permanently such as how you can display Story highlights on Instagram. You can caption and include links in your Stories. You can even tag other people in your Stories. And, you will be able to post photos and videos from both cameras in tandem, a BeReal-like style.
Even though stories are available now for all - and no longer just for paid users, Telegram is still providing premium subscribers with an edge when it comes to stories. Premium users can activate what's called Stealth Mode: it will remove from any story the views of theirs that happened in the last five minutes and hide what they view for another 25 minutes.
According to reports, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said back in June that users had been asking for Stories for years. The company was against adding Stories because, as Durov said at the time, "they are already everywhere." But he wanted to listen to its users.