As it is on all platforms, video sees the highest engagement rates on LinkedIn, which makes it a critical consideration for marketers looking to maximize their messaging on the platform.
But what, specifically, works in LinkedIn video promotions?.
That's what a team from VidMob went on to uncover in their latest study, conducted in partnership with LinkedIn: how over 16,000 video ads that ran on the platform succeeded in over 804 million total impressions in-stream.
That's a decent-sized dataset that should help make the results of the VidMob study pretty prescriptive overall. To access the full results of the VidMob analysis go here (with email sign up), but here are the key findings in this post.
First, the data shows that frontloading of your key campaign messaging during your video content can get much higher engagement rates than if you don't use this tactic.
Featuring the core message of your campaign is sure to better communicate your intent and connect with a more focused LinkedIn audience that could help improve resonance and response.
Data also shows that LinkedIn users love stats and data notes.
Makes sense-you are connecting people in a business mindset so hard numbers matter in this context. Worth including in your approach.
This report also stresses the importance of brand recognition in your messages.
This is a pretty broad point, but note how well branding can affect response.
Other important points:
As you would expect given recent consumption patterns, shorter video lengths, 7 to 15 seconds work best, yielding a 54% increase in engagement, and a 15% increase in CTR.
In first quarter, video clip is showing a person, results in view-through rates raised to 175%
A call-to-action appearing in first 6 seconds resulted in view-through rate lift 98%
The videos featured with text overlay resulted in CTR rising by 72%
The above are some valuable pointers that can guide your thought process on how to really make the most of the LinkedIn video approach, which is definitely worth factoring into your planning.